'You Get Me'

'When nobody understands
You come and take the chance, baby
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
And still you want me all the time
Yeah, you do
Yeah, you get me'
(by Michelle Branch)

Posted by Anett 21:25 0 comments  

About the winter time

This afternoon was not the first time when I was thinking about the meaning of the winter-time. Why we set back with 1 hour the clocks in every October? Maybe somebody likes to wake up in the dark (for me it is 6 am) and watching the sunrise. But I don't think there is any people who likes going home after the work in the dark at 4. ( or rather 5 according to the summer time) One time I've heard we can spare energy with this program: people will go to sleep earlier. If it is true why we stop working with 1 hour before, because now we use more energy, we have to put on the lights earlier. In other hand I was driving around 4. In Hungary this period is the most dangerous, especially in little towns (like mine!), many people are on the roads with bicycles and cars in the twilight, what makes them invisible. Year by year many news talking about casualties and car accidents. I hope the Western-states (who made this) will see it and find the solution!

Traffic lights in twilight (without lenses)
taken by Akaitori

Posted by Anett 17:58 0 comments  

The Wasabi in Debrecen

Some weeks ago I got into my postbox an ad about a new resto. The first sushi (Home Run Sushi as well) resto was opened in Debrecen! The Wasabi has already two in Budapest, and from now here. The first time was in Prague when I tasted the Japenese kitchen. (it was not love at first sight!) It has so much difference with the Hungarian meals. The most important the spices! After I went again in Budapest and I liked it what is not a suprise . . .

Fine dinner from Denkschema

Posted by Anett 21:47 21 comments