The Plan

Today I finished my business plan. (almost! - ready with the tables) I still have to write a small sum up and that's all! In the last 4 years I had never so stupid task like this so now I feel so free! Does it have any sense to build up a business with false data just to have profit at the end? It could be better to make a real one but in that case it had negative profit, sure. I did not get anything from this only wasting my time in front of the computer! In the other hand it was not allowed to send it by mail or print (what a stupid rule!!) I was forced to copy everything by hand.
My plan by hand
(maybe it will be good for my grandchildren to play with it)

Even if I tired to face the best of it, sorry I could not. . . I'll pray to avoid unmeaning things in my future life.

Posted by Anett 21:42 0 comments  

Last shining day

At times the autumn comes back only for a couple of hours to leave his taste here. This day was like this. I could not study, instead I went with my petite family to the warm bath. Our bath is still under construction, but there is a better one in the neighbouring town. 2 of the outside pools were filled up with warm water. One was for swimming (around noon was so special without any people!) and the other one for relaxing with 38 C°.
What I felt when I closed my eyes
(on Flickr)

It was so good not thinking about the school and work. But it could not have been perfect without You!

Posted by Anett 20:59 0 comments  


Only two weeks and Timi gets her official driving licence! I am so proud! She was working very hard and she was so stressed before all of the exams!

I am afraid I have to pass the wheel very soon^_^

Posted by Anett 18:13 0 comments  

zzzzzzz. . .

The first snow shower

The frost came on Monday! The first sign was Berci who began to cry at dawn until the sun appeared behind the clouds. (he likes taking a sunbath all the day) Oh, it is so horrible! Last week I had only a shirt in the indian summer. But today my winter coat was nothing against the chilling wind what came directly into our face with Berci. Who just visit us in these days probably he feels like in Scandinavia. I hope it won't be the same in December. It would be so nice to have white Christmas.

Posted by Anett 18:38 1 comments