The Plan

Today I finished my business plan. (almost! - ready with the tables) I still have to write a small sum up and that's all! In the last 4 years I had never so stupid task like this so now I feel so free! Does it have any sense to build up a business with false data just to have profit at the end? It could be better to make a real one but in that case it had negative profit, sure. I did not get anything from this only wasting my time in front of the computer! In the other hand it was not allowed to send it by mail or print (what a stupid rule!!) I was forced to copy everything by hand.
My plan by hand
(maybe it will be good for my grandchildren to play with it)

Even if I tired to face the best of it, sorry I could not. . . I'll pray to avoid unmeaning things in my future life.

Posted by Anett 21:42  


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