Le Paprika

There is a nice restaurant in Paris where the Parisian can taste all of traditional meals from Hungary. Le Paprika brings us to the '40's Hungary into the 'happy peaceful ages' (called this period by Hungarians). Old gipsy band are playing romantic songs while you are tasting the sausages with cheese and drinking 'Egri Bikavér'. Of course the original Gulash soup with beef and the Stuffed cabbage are also on the menu.

I found this picture from this age. Jávor Pál (one of the most famous actor between the Wars) with the gipsies who are playing his favourite song. ('Jaj, de szép kék szeme van Magának. . ')

Posted by Anett 09:49  


  1. Anett said...
    Julien, I wanted to find the cake in Paris but I found this resto indtead. ^_^
    Anonymous said...
    Hmmm, I think I will have to take a tour there !!!
    Anonymous said...
    I just saw the prices, maybe I will not go in fact ^__^ I think it is cheaper to go in Hungary and eat there than going to this place ! I am kidding, but it is not so far...
    Anett said...
    It depends on you. But I think it is better to come and visit Hungary. 'The far' is so relative! With a cheap flight less than 2 hours! ^_^

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