Day off
Thursday, August 31, 2006
After 2 exams (I passed both, cooool!), today I had a holiday. Our two little cousins just left the house. They are full of energy. The lovely photos:
Rebi's creating animals from paper Sonja, the little lovelock
Posted by Anett
First video
Monday, August 28, 2006
Yesterday I worked in the garden again. It was too boring but Berci made it funny. He tried to catch his ball from the chair. He was so nice. . . I couldn't stand to make a video. Please be gracious when you see it! This is my first one and I think the worst what I made ever, but mine! (Sorry, but the voice lost somewhere between my computer and the Yahoo.)
Posted by Anett
About one week ago I got an invitation from Zsuzsa to join her friends' group on I entered to the site to know how it is work. I did not find it so interesting so I clicked to the SKIP. The next site what I saw on the screen: invitations are sent to all of your Yahoo address. Hrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . . . . I hoped that everyone will ignore it as a spam. But today I got a nice letter from Mr Tomšik (my economics teacher), and also yesterday from my thesis teacher. Maybe I will get one from the clerk of my town. ^_^
Posted by Anett
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Posted by Anett
You and me
So much people was not so lucky as we in Debrecen. Because of the great storm in the capital already 4 people died and more than 100 are in hospital. In fact the leaders knew about the catastroph around 8, but they did not want to cancel it. The wind was 120km/hour strong on the riverside where thousands of people were waiting for the fire show. What does it mean? Should we change, shouldn't?
For more details click
here . . .
BBC and
Le Monde .
Posted by Anett
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The 20th August is the feast of the state-foundation in Hungary. Debrecen is famous for its Karneval of the flowers. About 20 cars are driving along the main street and presenting episodes from the Hungarian history or other well-known figures. All these are made of flowers, leaves and wood. This is also a great show with 'flag-throwers', majorette groups, and dancers from Europe. It was a bit hard to take pictures about moving things in the dark. You can check it
. . .
Posted by Anett
One of my first movies what I watched in my teenages. It is a bit old but I hope you will take a fancy to watch it! The great music is from the Blue Like a friend. . .
Posted by Anett
I have to apologise from all of my blog-reader(s). ^_^ Since a long time I did not post on my blog. I have only one week before the exams, and also I had to finish my essays about the practices. I left a hard week! I try to update my blog as much as I can. For the time you can see my pictures on Flickr!
Posted by Anett
In the Hajdúság (North-East Hungary) the feast of the first bread after the harvest is on 13rd August. Today the main street in Hajdúböszörmény was open only for pedestrians. It was full of little bakery stalls from every town of the region and also from Erdély. The traditional breads made of different kind of corns, special breads and cakes were offered. To close the day the Bocskai folk dance group presented Hungarian dances. My pictures are on
Flickr .
Posted by Anett
This evening I will turn to my 23 years. I don't know if it is too much or not. Yesterday I thought I am already 23 and what I reached, not much. In other hands the shopgirl mixed the candles so I was happy to say: "Excuse me, I am just 23 not 28!" ^_^
Posted by Anett
Notre maison
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
l'avant de notre maison
le salon
sur le plancher
la chambre de ma soeur
ma chambre
mon bureau
Posted by Anett
I hope I don't bore you too much, my sweet blog-reader. Tonight our house is taking a moon-bath. It made me to take some pictures again! Comments are welcome!
The moon through the flowers
Posted by Anett
Tonight I found an article which was about dictionaries and softwares to translate a text e.g. from French into English. First I tried the
Babel Fish , from the AltaVista. But it ignores so much things so I got funny texts and misunderstandable things. The
Reverso is much better and precise. It considers the personal prenouns and put into brackets the alternatives. It helps you to understand the context, but on the other hand you could be disposed to be lazy and forget to learn the language.
Posted by Anett
Somebody said there is face of the moon. Tonight the sky is so clear so I tried to read what is on his face. It is kind of mystic, but I could see that he is wondering. Unfortunately I cannot show it on my picture.
Posted by Anett
The 'Vekeri'-lake is near Debrecen. Nice place for townies making a barbecue and fishing. For me it was a great occasion to try my camera in the nature.
waiting for lunch
(if you look it carefully you can find his food) hidden in the green
Posted by Anett
There is a 3 days Motorbyke-Festival in Hajduboszormeny. Big motors are crossing the streets and leave bad smoke. I planed to take a look among the 'Easy Riders' but the entrance to participate the show was too expensive. (We had to buy the day ticket even if we went after 5.) Never mind! We took a bike-tour around the town.
stop for an icecream (my mum and my sister's ice)
my sister posing with the icecreams
Posted by Anett
The 'Joyeux Anniversaire' means Happy Birthday. But how it is in French: I wish You Happy Birthday and All Best! ( maybe the last words are not used in French) Julien, am I right if I said : Je te souhaite Joyeux Anniversaire. . . Attendre pour ton commentaire!
Posted by Anett
Inherited sin
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Some of the psychologist are saying what you learned till 6 years old you will do the same in your life. It means that you will create the same family as you saw, and you will make the mistakes as the pattern showed. When you just recognized it in your life, maybe you are shocked. Kelly
Clarkson's video tells us you can change if you realize it in time!
Posted by Anett
The coin
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I found yesterday a coin in our cellar. It came from the age of '70. I tried to find who were in abroad in that time, but nobody knows. I guess one of my family collected coins or he just liked it as me also.
Posted by Anett