Motor - Festival

There is a 3 days Motorbyke-Festival in Hajduboszormeny. Big motors are crossing the streets and leave bad smoke. I planed to take a look among the 'Easy Riders' but the entrance to participate the show was too expensive. (We had to buy the day ticket even if we went after 5.) Never mind! We took a bike-tour around the town.

stop for an icecream (my mum and my sister's ice)

my sister posing with the icecreams

Posted by Anett 17:23  


  1. Anonymous said...
    It is one for me, thanks Timea ^__^ Seriously I remember this icecreams in Prague, it was 15 Kc, but here in Paris it is almost 90 Kc, so I can't it that !
    Anett said...
    Yes, I remember when we wanted to buy one near la Tour it was about 4 times more than here. I know you love it so much so I can keep one for you! ^_^

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