
A very nice and attractive village for tourists. In the summer season is full of German and Polish tourists who come with their trailers and spending a couple of weeks with riding and cycling in the Great Plain. I like to be here, it has a special aura and only 30 km from my town.

in front of the Nine-holed Bridge

Csárda (in German: Tscharda), restaurant where you can taste all of Hungarian traditional meals

self-made baskets, hats, and embroidered clothes for foreigners

trip on horse-cart

with an old sepherd

the magic lady (if you put a coin to her basket your dream will come true)

Posted by Anett 16:59  

1 Comment:

  1. Yoshi said...
    That looks quite a good place, I wish I'll go there one time. You look very young on the picture with you thin legs and your two horsetails ^__^

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