The newest heroe of Hungary

About 1 month ago the ministry of traffic asked the people on the net to vote for the name of the new bridge in Budapest. There was no added a list, so anyone could vote for anybody. Some weeks they delineated the result. Chuck Norris and Stephen Colbert are in the first 2 places! About 17 million people voted for Colbert across the USA. I found a video when the Hungarian ambassador gave to him the document of the result, and reviewed what are the conditions to become the name of the bridge.

Posted by Anett 22:52  


  1. Yoshi said...
    Funny video, now american loves you more than French because you political man are nice...
    Anett said...
    He is nice, but you don't know about the Gyurcsány-thing what we know till yesterday. The prime minister lied about the last 4 years, he lied for Hungary and the EU as well. The chaos are bigger here than ever, people in the main cities are going to the road and shouting to change the minister with the government. There will be also one in Debrecen organised by the students, against the school fees. Oh, you cannot imagine what it is now. It is not normal in Hungary to go out but now this is the only solution.

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