'Tokaji': made in Hungary

The European Union's court made the decision. The 'Tokaji' name use only for a special white wine, which come from the Tokaj Valley. Before, the Italians claimed that the Tokaji is a kind of vine what they produce on the Italian fields as well. They asked for using the name also but the Hungarian Republic denied it. From March the Tokaji is egal with an original Hungarian, high-quality white wine.

Posted by Anett 18:56  


  1. Yoshi said...
    I tasted the wine from Tokaj a couple of weeks ago, and I must say it was a really good good wine, a bit sweet and soft so that you can drink it until you're drunk without knowing it ^__^

    So now Italians cannot call their wine Tokaji and that is fair, because there is only one place to make such a wine!! France is also very attached to this kind of things and we have a lot of protected products to face unfair concurrence from abroad who call their products like ours but do not produce it the same way as here.
    Anett said...
    I am happy that you liked it. I am looking forward to show other special things from Hungary!

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