
This evening I came back from the tour. It was particularly interesting even if I am not interested in animal husbandry. First day we visited a broiler chicken farm. It was very modern with the newest technologies. I did not know before that French are very good at broiler-industry. All of the feeds, machines and also the chicken types are from France. We also went to pig and cattle plants. But they were not so impressive for me than the first one. Maybe these chickens are not so taste (I am sure they are not), but it was good to see this high-level production.
In these 3 days we visited the most important points of the North-East Hungary. Including Tokaj, Szerencs, and Lilafüred. We were only 20 km from the Rumanian and only 10 km form the Unkranian border while we were examined a Charolais farm. It was very beautiful landscape near to the Carpathian Mountains. Unfortunately, I was afraid to take my camera, I was not sure in the safety of the accommodation. I made a map to present all of the places!

Posted by Anett 22:33  

1 Comment:

  1. Yoshi said...
    Yes France is the poultry country ^__^ the french cocorico! and the Charolais is also a french breed...bad you did not take your camera, a camera is made to used, so you should have taken it (even if you fear the romanian borders ^__^).

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