The mysterious lady

Yesterday I heard something interesting in the radio. There is an old lady who gives 1000 HUF from her little suitcase for everyone in the streets. Her little story began in 1956, when a Hungarian man escaped to Yugoslavia after the death of the revolution. He asked the lady for a room till his friend come and save him to the USA. She told he was very handsom, and stayed for 3 weeks in her house. They kept in touch for years. The man became a very successful business man in North-America (what is not so special among Hungarians, e. g. George Soros). Before his death he asked the lady to come back Hungary and divide all of his riches among the Hungarians. The old lady said not everyone takes her money, some people are afraid of a trap. It is not common just to give and nothing wait in return.

Posted by Anett 20:11  


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