You come and take the chance, baby You get me You look inside my wild mind Never knowing what you'll find And still you want me all the time Yeah, you do Yeah, you get me'
This afternoon was not the first time when I was thinking about the meaning of the winter-time. Why we set back with 1 hour the clocks in every October? Maybe somebody likes to wake up in the dark (for me it is 6 am) and watching the sunrise. But I don't think there is any people who likes going home after the work in the dark at 4. ( or rather 5 according to the summer time) One time I've heard we can spare energy with this program: people will go to sleep earlier. If it is true why we stop working with 1 hour before, because now we use more energy, we have to put on the lights earlier. In other hand I was driving around 4. In Hungary this period is the most dangerous, especially in little towns (like mine!), many people are on the roads with bicycles and cars in the twilight, what makes them invisible. Year by year many news talking about casualties and car accidents. I hope the Western-states (who made this) will see it and find the solution!
Traffic lights in twilight (without lenses) taken by Akaitori
Some weeks ago I got into my postbox an ad about a new resto. The first sushi (Home Run Sushi as well) resto was opened in Debrecen! The Wasabi has already two in Budapest, and from now here. The first time was in Prague when I tasted the Japenese kitchen. (it was not love at first sight!) It has so much difference with the Hungarian meals. The most important the spices! After I went again in Budapest and I liked it what is not a suprise . . .
Today I finished my business plan. (almost! - ready with the tables) I still have to write a small sum up and that's all! In the last 4 years I had never so stupid task like this so now I feel so free! Does it have any sense to build up a business with false data just to have profit at the end? It could be better to make a real one but in that case it had negative profit, sure. I did not get anything from this only wasting my time in front of the computer! In the other hand it was not allowed to send it by mail or print (what a stupid rule!!) I was forced to copy everything by hand.
My plan by hand (maybe it will be good for my grandchildren to play with it)
Even if I tired to face the best of it, sorry I could not. . . I'll pray to avoid unmeaning things in my future life.
At times the autumn comes back only for a couple of hours to leave his taste here. This day was like this. I could not study, instead I went with my petite family to the warm bath. Our bath is still under construction, but there is a better one in the neighbouring town. 2 of the outside pools were filled up with warm water. One was for swimming (around noon was so special without any people!) and the other one for relaxing with 38 C°.
The frost came on Monday! The first sign was Berci who began to cry at dawn until the sun appeared behind the clouds. (he likes taking a sunbath all the day) Oh, it is so horrible! Last week I had only a shirt in the indian summer. But today my winter coat was nothing against the chilling wind what came directly into our face with Berci. Who just visit us in these days probably he feels like in Scandinavia. I hope it won't be the same in December. It would be so nice to have white Christmas.
To see clear how is the holidays in Hungary. The universities, moreover the faculties has a free hand to give holidays for their own students. The next week will be free for every faculties at the University of Debrecen, except of the Agriculture Sciences. Why? I don't understand why we don't deserve only 5 days. (in fact 4 days + 1st November) I don't think we really need to work more than the others. I am afraid this is again something administration mistake from our decane. It had been good for me to get these days because I am a bit late with my work. Thus I have to hurry to catch up the others.
I was listening Michelle Branch's Hotel Paper while I had driven to Debrecen. I like these song so I was singing as well. ^_^ These are especially close to me, almost in every lyrics I found something what I recognize in me and I think I am not alone with it. It was Michelle's début. I was wondering what she is doing now. What I found, it was really surprising. She made a duet with Jessica Harp in the style of country.
The Wreckers
Michelle wrote into 12 songs all of her experience with the guys and relations and she turned to another way what is much more popular! (look Jessica Simpson) I feel I lost again a singer. But Michelle still did not make a big change like Nelly Furtado. What dictates?. . . .the Fashion!
50 years before Hungary said no for the communism. They were fed up with the starvation, the surrender and the fear from the State Protection Office. Silent demonstartors went along the streets of Budapest and asking to remove the leaders from the parliament and form a new government with Imre Nagy. Hungary was crying but nobody helped her!
What is today? The sons and relatives of the killers (who made fire among the people) are the leaders of Hungary. For this reason the demonstrators who were students in 1956 demand the expulsion of Gyurcsany.
About 10 years ago I found Niina's address in a magazine. I just began my English courses and I was happy to find somebody who also was looking for a mail-friend. It was quite slow via mail but the internet was not popular in that time in Hungary. It was like this till last summer when Niina informed me about her East-European tour. She wrote me about her journey with her friends through Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. I thought it is a great occasion to invite them and present my home. Unfortunatelly we had only 4 days to see everything. (luckily the Carneval of Flowers was involved)
Niina, her boyfriend Eero, and her friend Mayo (from left to right)
Last evening I got a mail from Niina, she was in Prague to watch the worldchampionship of syncronized skating. So bad, she did not read my mail before she left Finland. We were in the same town even if we hadn't known about the other. I hope we could meet in the future.
Today I finished one part of my business plan. (the animal husbandry) I plant a firm with 950 cows and 700 pigs. It was very interesting. In my opinion the only advantage what I got usage of the Excel and an ordinary pain in my back. This morning I woke up and I could not move my neck. Around noon it was so horrible and I decided to try the 'Spa' - service in my town. I had no a professional massage (since Yours, mon chéri). I have to say it was really bracing. Of course at first I had strong pain, my muscles were in little balls and I'm afraid I have a fatigue-fever tomorrow. It took only 20 minutes for 4,5 euros. It would have been perfect to finish it with a warm bath, but the swiming pool is under construction. I hope we can enjoy it very soon. The best is in winter when you get out from the outside warmbath (43 C°) and your body is steaming. I am looking forward to share this pleasure with You. ^_^
This afternoon was our last with my little car. She was a part of my life from 2003 autumn. She was the first who helped me on the roads. She executed all of my stupid requests even if it hurt her. (Thanks Clio!) She was my teacher and now I must let her.
My perfect baby
Unfortunatelly I don't need it now and it is very costly for us to have her. Yesterday four guys came and examined her carefully if she had any faults or misses. What was really unnecessary. The price was good in the ad and they liked it as well. Tomorrow one of them will come back and take her. ˇ_ˇ My heart is broken but I know I have no other choice.
This evening is a great moment for my sister. The high school organized for the first-year-students the Fox-ball. (weird to say fox. we use stork for the new students, they are so fumbling as the bird with its long legs) She was so stressed before the departure (as usually). The hardest was to find the best dress and after the long lasting make up with my Chrystalline Eau de Toilette ^_^
This afternoon I visited to the Villas Gallery. I've got a special task from the school, to attend an auction. So I went before Saturday to check the objects and collect some datas. I found beautiful silver plates and folks with a pretty expensive price and also there are old-fashioned commodes from nut-wood with gentle decoration.
These are my favourites:
Toldy againts the wolfs (legendary Hungarian heroe)
I put some new music into My Music section. These are my favourites. To all of them attach a special thing or remembrance. 'Csak a szívemen át' was on the radio at dawn when I drived to my work last summer. I regarded it as a sign. It is about your choice: the decision was not so hard to made it but after you are not sure. It gave me the power to know I did it well to accept the job even if my family was against it. I am afraid the lyrics with the melody only in Hungarian made one. If I am wrong, please let me know.
Last night I found an old video from Petula Clark, Downtown. I began to listen the lyrics. She is singing about the downtown what is full of lights and fun where you can forget about everything. . . And after I thought it made in 1965. It was the American life! In the same time there was nothing like this in Hungary. In fact, there was really nothing. No place for dancing and having fun. No admission for going out as you like. These time the communism was the star. Everything was under (state)control for 40 years. Fortunatelly I just heard it from my grandparents but its impact is still in Hungary. How long do we need to recover after it? Is is possible at all?
I had a bad dream last night. I was looking for You! When I woked up You were not beside me. I asked everybody about You in the hostel but nobody could help me. Finally I went with my best friend when she observed You through the park somewhere in Prague. You were smiling at me and you calmed me you went only for shopping. What was really horrible that nobody seen You and I had no idea where I could find You!
Yesterday I heard something interesting in the radio. There is an old lady who gives 1000 HUF from her little suitcase for everyone in the streets. Her little story began in 1956, when a Hungarian man escaped to Yugoslavia after the death of the revolution. He asked the lady for a room till his friend come and save him to the USA. She told he was very handsom, and stayed for 3 weeks in her house. They kept in touch for years. The man became a very successful business man in North-America (what is not so special among Hungarians, e. g. George Soros). Before his death he asked the lady to come back Hungary and divide all of his riches among the Hungarians. The old lady said not everyone takes her money, some people are afraid of a trap. It is not common just to give and nothing wait in return.
The European Union's court made the decision. The 'Tokaji' name use only for a special white wine, which come from the Tokaj Valley. Before, the Italians claimed that the Tokaji is a kind of vine what they produce on the Italian fields as well. They asked for using the name also but the Hungarian Republic denied it. From March the Tokaji is egal with an original Hungarian, high-quality white wine.
Today I passed my economics of enterprises exam. It was one of my hardest and one of the best as well. The professor was pretty correct and I felt I am not a student, actually I was a partner in a discussion. At the end we were talking about the student life in Prague and his impressions in Iowa. I wish I had all of my exams like this. Instead of rattle a lot datas and numbers. Viva les professeurs!
Today during my exam preparation this song was in my mind. I am already after the biggest part of my work. I am so bored and tired as well. So I was singing 'everything will be alright tonight'. . . and try to keep my attention.
This video presented by the super talented Peter Novák (made the stage adaption as well) and the 'Mega Star' Ibolya Oláh. Their little play made this song special what is actually not so.
Yesterday was the fourth day when the demonstrators went out and made chaos in the main streets of Budapest. They said that they will do this every night till Gyurcsany with his government leave the parliament. Unfortunatelly he is not so gentleman as other politics in Europe. I hope he won't wait while the hooligans totally destroy the reputation of Hungary. We are already not very a nice country in the eye of the EU.
Tomorrow I supposed to pass my economics exam with two Erasmus students. We fixed the date with the Professeur also. I studied already 4 days long. I was full of datas and figures when this noon Kata called me that they asked the teacher to delay the exam to the next week. . . Hrrrrrrr!!!! because they could not be ready for tomorrow. Of course I cannot go alone only with the others. I hope I pass all of my exams till the deadline!
This evening we walked together with Durcás. She's a pretty retriever lady. It was kind of funny when Berci followed everywhere Durcás. (of course he loves her ^_^) The tour was 2 times longer than usually. I was wondering he was not tired at all. Even if he is 4 years older than her.
About 1 month ago the ministry of traffic asked the people on the net to vote for the name of the new bridge in Budapest. There was no added a list, so anyone could vote for anybody. Some weeks they delineated the result. Chuck Norris and Stephen Colbert are in the first 2 places! About 17 million people voted for Colbert across the USA. I found a video when the Hungarian ambassador gave to him the document of the result, and reviewed what are the conditions to become the name of the bridge.
I just began my school on Monday but I am already full of work. I still have 4 exams and the teachers also gave a couple of things for the next week. I wished many times I could be still in Prague. Instead of studying stupid things what I won't use ever in my life.
In these days it is impossible to drive in my town. All of the main streets are so horrible. Before you had to make a slalom among the big holes on the road. And now all of them will be repaired at the same time. This morning I wanted to cross the town, it was 15 minutes 3 times more than before. So I was late from my school.
the main road
the main road again
the major's office during the great reconstruction
almost ready - the otherhalf of the major's office
Why it makes me nervous? It was not urgent in the last 4 years. Just now before the local commune election. (1st Oct.) Come on, guys!
A very nice and attractive village for tourists. In the summer season is full of German and Polish tourists who come with their trailers and spending a couple of weeks with riding and cycling in the Great Plain. I like to be here, it has a special aura and only 30 km from my town.
in front of the Nine-holed Bridge
Csárda (in German: Tscharda), restaurant where you can taste all of Hungarian traditional meals
self-made baskets, hats, and embroidered clothes for foreigners
trip on horse-cart
with an old sepherd
the magic lady (if you put a coin to her basket your dream will come true)
Every evening we are going for a 'great' trip across the streets. It is always a pleasure walking with my dog. He never does what I want, and turns to the other way. I am forgiving with him in these days, he is in love. ^_^
Today I was worried about my blog so much. I already switched to the Beta. It has a lot advantages, if you want to personalise your blog, but the HTML text are very bad. It is not the same as the old one. You could just paste text before, but it is not working now. Unfortunately, I found another one fault and I am not alone with it. I wanted to post picture on my blog, but it was not appeared. It was the same with the URL. I thought I should return to my old one. It is good that I did not do. Someone adviced in Blogger Help Group the Internet Explorer. Huh, it is working! I hope the Blogger will find the cause very fast!
This evening I came back from the tour. It was particularly interesting even if I am not interested in animal husbandry. First day we visited a broiler chicken farm. It was very modern with the newest technologies. I did not know before that French are very good at broiler-industry. All of the feeds, machines and also the chicken types are from France. We also went to pig and cattle plants. But they were not so impressive for me than the first one. Maybe these chickens are not so taste (I am sure they are not), but it was good to see this high-level production.
In these 3 days we visited the most important points of the North-East Hungary. Including Tokaj, Szerencs, and Lilafüred. We were only 20 km from the Rumanian and only 10 km form the Unkranian border while we were examined a Charolais farm. It was very beautiful landscape near to the Carpathian Mountains. Unfortunately, I was afraid to take my camera, I was not sure in the safety of the accommodation. I made a map to present all of the places!
I am making my packages. Tomorrow I go for a 3 day practical trip with my school. I am not so happy for it. I am full of exams. The economics and accounting are waiting for me. But I had to delay everything to spend a half week with sightseeing and visiting some plants. I don't believe that it will help me to find my job. This part of agriculture are not my business at all. On the other hand I prefer to avoid meeting with my classmates. I am not ready for embarrassing questions about Prague. Damned funny was when a girl asked me if I studied the courses in Czech. I hope I will not get the same tomorrow. I am not sure if I had enough patient for them.
Yesterday I worked in the garden again. It was too boring but Berci made it funny. He tried to catch his ball from the chair. He was so nice. . . I couldn't stand to make a video. Please be gracious when you see it! This is my first one and I think the worst what I made ever, but mine! (Sorry, but the voice lost somewhere between my computer and the Yahoo.)
About one week ago I got an invitation from Zsuzsa to join her friends' group on I entered to the site to know how it is work. I did not find it so interesting so I clicked to the SKIP. The next site what I saw on the screen: invitations are sent to all of your Yahoo address. Hrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . . . . I hoped that everyone will ignore it as a spam. But today I got a nice letter from Mr Tomšik (my economics teacher), and also yesterday from my thesis teacher. Maybe I will get one from the clerk of my town. ^_^
So much people was not so lucky as we in Debrecen. Because of the great storm in the capital already 4 people died and more than 100 are in hospital. In fact the leaders knew about the catastroph around 8, but they did not want to cancel it. The wind was 120km/hour strong on the riverside where thousands of people were waiting for the fire show. What does it mean? Should we change, shouldn't? For more details click here. . . The BBC and Le Monde.
The 20th August is the feast of the state-foundation in Hungary. Debrecen is famous for its Karneval of the flowers. About 20 cars are driving along the main street and presenting episodes from the Hungarian history or other well-known figures. All these are made of flowers, leaves and wood. This is also a great show with 'flag-throwers', majorette groups, and dancers from Europe. It was a bit hard to take pictures about moving things in the dark. You can check it . . .
One of my first movies what I watched in my teenages. It is a bit old but I hope you will take a fancy to watch it! The great music is from the Blue Like a friend. . .
I have to apologise from all of my blog-reader(s). ^_^ Since a long time I did not post on my blog. I have only one week before the exams, and also I had to finish my essays about the practices. I left a hard week! I try to update my blog as much as I can. For the time you can see my pictures on Flickr!
In the Hajdúság (North-East Hungary) the feast of the first bread after the harvest is on 13rd August. Today the main street in Hajdúböszörmény was open only for pedestrians. It was full of little bakery stalls from every town of the region and also from Erdély. The traditional breads made of different kind of corns, special breads and cakes were offered. To close the day the Bocskai folk dance group presented Hungarian dances. My pictures are on Flickr.
This evening I will turn to my 23 years. I don't know if it is too much or not. Yesterday I thought I am already 23 and what I reached, not much. In other hands the shopgirl mixed the candles so I was happy to say: "Excuse me, I am just 23 not 28!" ^_^